Signature Events, Programmes and Activities
Courageous Conversations Conference
This is an annual conference hosted by the museum with a particular focus on nation building and social cohesion.
Nondlela Mobile
This is an initiative aimed at improving outreach and facilitating access to the museum but even those audiences who find it difficult to visit the museum for a number of reasons. Through uNondlela programmes, the museum is taken to the people.
Reconciliation Day
This event is a fitting expression of the grand narrative that both uMsunduzi and Ncome museums represents. It serves as a reminder of the symbolic shift in this narrative as evidenced by the evolution of 16 December from Dingane’s Day, Day of the Vow during colonial and apartheid periods to the post-colonial and post-apartheid Reconciliation Day
Commemorative Events
These are events we host annually to mark special national and international calendar days. The national calendar days include Human Rights Day, Freedom Day, Youth Day, Mandela Day, Women’s Day, Heritage Day and Reconciliation Day. Other pertinent national and international events and campaigns are:
National Book Week
The National Book Week, which is dedicated to promoting the value of books and inculcating a culture of reading. During this week activities to encourage exploring the written word and enhance literacy skills are initiated.
National Library Week
The National Library Week, which is a special national week set aside to foreground the role of libraries, librarians and library workers in changing lives and empowering individuals and communities.
Living Heritage Events
The Living Heritage Events, which celebrate and memorialise certain cultural ceremonies and practices. These are delivered on the back of various special national and international calendar days.